Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Fortnight to Go!

Yes, I know that it's been a long while since I've posted here. My bad. Truth is that I've been pretty busy, but still no excuse.

In August, Kate the kids and I met in Hong Kong to spend my R&R with Brock, Sophia and the girls. I can't begin to describe how awesome a vacation it was. We bimbled around HK and saw what there was to see, which is an awful lot. What an incredible place. I was blown away with how vibrant a place it is, and how many people can be jammed into such a small space. And yet, while Central was a zoo, out where Brock lives in Sai Kung it was so suburban and quiet. Jungle right behind the house. A real study in contrasts. You know, every time we travel, and go see something new, I understand a bit more the bug that bit Mom and Dad years back. A good vacation or visit to somewhere you've never been is always a good bet.

Anyhow, after noting that I would like to see a bit of sea to go with the endless sand of Afghanistan, Brock found a super deal on 5 nights in Thailand for all 8 of us. It was just amazing. It was perfectly timed in the middle of our 3 weeks and was a spectacular spot to unwind in.

The best thing, though, was probably the fact that Brock and I became real friends for the first time in almost 40 years. The truth is that we never got along very well when we were younger, but after spending 3 easy, relaxing weeks in each other's company, I think that we both realised that we could be good friends. I miss his company for the first time, and that's a very good thing.

Right, I have to post this and get back to real life.
More to follow,
