Monday, April 28, 2008

Greetings from KAF

Wow, is it hot...and dusty...and hot...and dusty

Yes, I finally got here last Friday mid-morning after a few hours from the Camp which is naught but a Mirage.

The flight was cramped but uneventful, and the first day here was a bit overwhelming. The heat and the dust and the smell really hit you when you jump out of the Herc onto the tarmac kitted to the teeth.

It took a couple of days to get shaken out, but I'm pretty much sorted now, and my changeover with my friend of many years, Nicole, is going well. She's counting down in single digits now and very cheerful about it too! I'll be working with an excellent crew, and am diving into the material...Like I have anything better to do for the next few months ;)

Lest you worry, however, be assured that the amenities are superb, and won't be wanting for anything while I'm here. For those of you who know me well enough, you know that I'm more of a Starbuck's than Timmy's kind of guy...So the good news is that I've found Greenbeans which is the Camp's equivalent to Starbuck's. Yes, I'll have a Timmy's, but only for form's sake!

I went out to visit an Afghan school today; wow, what an eye opener. All I could think was that we live a pretty cushy life in the West, and I doubt that most of us really appreciate how good life is in our western countries. Good food, shelter, jobs and plenty of clean potable water. Anyone who complains about the stadard of living in the West really ought to spend half a day in a bombed out apartment complex in Afghanistan to get a better perspective.

Oh yeah, and as a footnote, the Darwinist's ideas about moral evolution...Totally out to lunch, and unrealistic except for a situation where nobody is starving.

Right, I have to sign off, until next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you arrived safely.
You are often in our thoughts and prayers.
Keep on writing - I will be reading.

May 04, 2008 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Iam glad you got there safely.I keep checking to see if you have writen more. I'm just waiting to get word from the head office to see what's going on, in the mean time, lots of P.T. and home work. Till next time, keep safe and God bless.


Gnr. O

May 05, 2008 7:47 PM  

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