Friday, June 20, 2008

For Harry

For my beloved and much maligned father in law:

Harry, voici un vrai 45C, et ceci a l'ombre ;)


Some Pics From KAF

Hi everyone,
As promised, here are some more pics from KAF. The first one, obviously, is me in my office. I'm drinking a Timmy's and eating a Pop-Tart. Our NATO 'friends' have decided that this is the official meal of the CF in KAF. The Timmy's is pretty obvious...The Pop-Tart because we get them every two weeks in what are supposed to be ration supplements. The truth is that those of us in KAF really don't need them. The guys doing the hard work outside probably do, but us back here really don't.

The second pic, for those that requested it, is a shot of our 'garden'; arguably the most pathetic patch of green in all of Kanahar province. Not only is the soil complete rubbish, but it gets really dry and hot. Not much growing there, although it's supposed to be local corn, sunflowers and wheat from Herat province.

Finally, the third pic is of a group of us at a BBQ. We were having a really nice BBQ after a long meeting, and decided to invite a bunch of other people we work with to come by. Well, the bad dudes decided to throw a couple of thumpers into the mix. Not a very big deal, but we had to go into the shelter, so we carried on there. Hey, fun is what you can make of a silly situation.

If there is a market day tomorrow, I will try to get some shots and post them up. The market is a really great place, and lots of fun. You can get some really neat stuff there, and goodness knows, I've purchased enough of it myself!

Take care,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another Sunday!

Well, it's another Sunday here in KAF. Actually, the running joke around here is that it's just another Monday. Every day is another Monday. The truth is that I actually forget what day of the week it is most of the time. We all mark the days by the date which is more efficient! And when someone is getting short, they mark them by the number of "wakies" left. Actually, there are a number of these nifty Excel calendars kicking around which calculate the number of days you have left, how many you've done etc etc, and they all have graphs and pie charts to show your progress. My fave is called "The Donut of Misery", which is a circular graph (shaped like a donut go figure!) which changes title depending upon how many days you have to go before you head out on the Herc home! Anything to keep morale up!

Kate and I have booked all of our dates and stuff for Hong Kong. We (the kids, Kate and myself) are going to HK to visit Brock and Sophia and the girls. We've never been, so we decided that it would be a good idea for us to go. Brock and Sophia have been there for years, so it's about time. We will be meeting there in a few weeks time, and it's going to be outstanding. Brock's talking about the eight of us going away to a beach somewhere. Sounds fantastic to me, considering that I've seen enough sand for a lifetime, but no water to go with it!

So I had intended to post up some pics of me and the gang, but I can't seem to get the digicam to pick up on the USB. I'll come up with a cunning plan (thank you Baldrick) and try again later.

Take care all,